Stone gallery specialises in unique geological objects, many of which can be spectacular accents in interior design. Many interiors, both residential as corporate, have been stylishly illuminated with quality crystals, fossils or petrified wood for the appropriate ambience needed for the customers' lifestyles.
We have a big collection. This website exhibits just a limited number of objects, aiming to inspire you. Do follow us on social media, come visit our gallery, or ask us for more specific information.
Imagine incorporating some fabulous geological treasures to enhance either interior living space, work space or garden.
“Geological Art” applied to both an interior or exterior design finds many new admirers, it is not only aesthetically pleasing but also influences mind and atmosphere in an undescribable way and compliments both the classical and the more contemporary decor.
View our YouTube channel to see short videos of various objects.
Torenlaan 127
3742 CS Baarn
The Netherlands
+31 (0)35 - 588 22 66
Saturday from 12.00 to 17.00 hours and by appointment.
© 2024 Stone gallery - design StudioDubbel